“Music of the Spheres” Album Release!

Today on February 2, 2020, we are happy to release the first album of meditation music from sound healing duo Spark of Spirit, entitled “Music of the Spheres”.

“Music of the Spheres” is an album intended to aid the attainment of deep meditative states. When combined with meditation, this music can aid healing on various levels and trigger great states of calm and transcendence. From these transcendental states the practitioner can learn to reach into higher states of being and dimensions through astral traveling or venture into the interior spaces for healing and spiritual attainment.

Want to listen? Click here!

“Music of the Spheres” has a sonic foundation of a combination of the sounds of ancient healing instruments such as Tibetan, Chinese and crystal singing bowls, gongs and drums with richly textured modern electronic drones carefully crafted to heighten the healing power of sound at Lamma Studios. To the magical soundscape we add deeply personal expression, using the soulful and pure voice and flute of Ola Milena and the heavenly trumpet of Farley Sangels.

Each track of “Music of the Spheres” connects the listener to the sound of the cosmos. The first track “Ether” pays homage to the womb of all creation. “Constellation”, “Music of the Spheres”, “Lunar”, and “Cosmic Play” explore outer space, while “Inner Space” and “The Road to Tao” go within. The anthem “Warrior of Light” is dedicated to the spark of divinity inside each heart center and to the intention that Spark of Spirit has to light a flame of consciousness in humanity.

“Music of the Spheres” is part of a greater project by Spark of Spirit to make immersive “meditatainment” experiences to use the five senses to aid the sixth. For best results please listen to this music in a calm and quiet environment and use headphones. We recommend restraining from listening to this album while driving, except for “Warrior of Light”.

Mahalo from Hawaii, Spark of Spirit

“Music of the Spheres”

by Spark of Spirit, 02-02-2020

Track Listing:

1: Ether
2: Constellation
3: Music of the Spheres
4: Lunar
5: The Road to Tao
6: Cosmic Play
7: Warrior of Light
8: Inner Space

About the Music:

1: Ether – We begin the musical journey in the ether, the womb of all creation. Empty space is both empty of form and full of potential. In our musical homage to the ether, we combine simple Chinese singing bowls with synth drones to empty and purify the mind and spirit of the top layer of daily samsara to prepare for deeper explorations.

2: Constellation – The next space we explore is the process of constellation, as the unformed energy and matter of the universe begins to come together to create planets, stars, solar systems and star systems. Added to the Chinese Bowls is Ola Milena’s magical and haunting vocals as the breath of spirit gives birth to consciousness of the cosmos.

3: Music of the Spheres – The musica universalis is an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies as a form of music. By knowing this music we know ourselves as the atoms of the self also are celestial bodies of a different scale. This movement features gongs and synth drones tuned to the vibrations of deep space.

4: Lunar – Dedicated to our closest neighbor, Lunar is a movement of deep inner reflection and a bit of mystery. Humans have long looked up at the moon and wondered, and to create this ancient sense of wonder we use crystal bowls and the plaintive and innocent flute and mysterious vocals of Ola Milena.

5: The Road to Tao has been discovered by the great Chinese and Japanese masters to lie within. Like a bright spark of enlightenment this realization can set us free, Featuring the crystal pyramid, cymbals, bells and Oriental synth this music is designed to open the inner doors of spirit.

6: Cosmic Play imagines a young galaxy coming of age through play, the great teacher. Through play we can explore our limits and the music here imagines the young stars playing and discovering their powers using Tibetan bowls and glockenspiel.

7: Warrior of Light is an anthem dedicated to the path of love and light of the spiritual warrior, channeled by Ola Milena. Featuring the Indian ektara, shamanic drum, shakers double bass and Ola’s fierce yet loving voice, this song can help awaken the warrior of light within.

8: Inner Space concludes the album with deep personal exploration and interplay of the different states of the interior. Combining the heavenly trumpet of Farley Sangels with Ola Milena’s always captivating voice we add a large collection of Tibetan and Chinese bowls to bring this musical offering to a close.


Music by Ola Milena and Farley Sangels
Produced by Lamma Studios
Art by Sophie Sun and NASA
Copyright 2020