
Lamma Studios Farley and Ola Milena are avid daily practicioners of meditation with a calling to share this valuable skill with others. We consider the art of meditation to be a core life skill with benefits for the individual and society at large. We provide meditation coaching, meditation programs and guided meditations for individual clients and organizations. Please contact us at Lamma Meditation Society podcast for live recordings of these special sessions. Josh has also specialized in coaching meditation for performing artists, including success visualizations, overcoming performance anxiety, and finding our true artistic purpose. There are also several other of Farley’s meditations available online at

Ola has practiced meditation from an early age and is an expert in women’s meditation issues, including sexual and birthing health and self image and relationship meditations. Please visit her site for more on Ola

At Lamma Studios, meditation is a solution for many if not all of life’s challenges. We believe that we can teach people how to enhance their health, career, relationships and spirits with a custom designed meditation program. There is no one-size-fits-all meditation technique, despite what some teachers will tell you. Instead of trying to fit an individual to a meditation technique, we find the right technique to the individual.